mardi 16 janvier 2018

Stop Unwanted Calls - Block Numbers ( Calls & SMS )

What does Stop Unwanted Calls - Block Numbers, Calls & SMS do ?

If you are tired of getting those nuisance calls, telemarketing calls or calls from unknownk numbers or people and private numbers and you wish to stop these calls. Well, you are in the right place. Because with the help of this free android App ( Stop Unwanted Calls - Block Numbers, Calls & SMS ) you will be able to block private numbers, unknown numbers, telemarketing calls, nuisance calls just by one click.

How to block calls ?

it's easy, from now on you don't to search how to block calls or how to block a phone number, because Stop Unwanted Calls do the job for you, all you need to do is select the number to block or contact to block and will be automatically blocked from calling or sendg text messages.

What about unknown numbers, private numbers or spam calls ?

This free android App gives you the ability to block private numbers, unknown numbers and spam calls. So you will be able to block nuisance calls and block unwanted call, and you won't have to search how to stop nuisance calls or how how to block a phone number. Because this blocker calls App do this job for you.
Also, you won't have to report phone number or telemarketing calls, all you need to do is block the number with Stop Unwanted Calls app. it's like a blacklist of do not call.

Also with the help of this free android call blocker; if you feel to block a caller ID or someone that you don't want him to call you again, all you need to do is select his phone and number and it will be blocked.

This Android blocker call and numbers app has the same job as calls barring, it allows you to block number from calling you.

You can set a BlackList numbers for unwanted calls, private numbers and unknown numbers. 
This android App allows you to stop spam calls, nuisance calls, telemarketing calls and block number that you wish to stop calling you. It's like you set a do not call list to stop incoming calls.

This free android apk call blocker app helps you to stop and block incoming number and block calls on cel phone.
Plus, you don't need to search how to block text messages, because Stop Unwanted Calls block text messages SMS and calls automatically. all you need to do is making a do not call list or no call list.

From this day you can block unwanted incoming calls and block number from calling such as spam calls, nuisance calls and block private numbers and unknown numbers. it's like a no call mode that say do not call me.

Features : 

- Block unwanted calls.
- Stop incoming calls.
- Block cell phone number.
- Block private numbers.
- Block unknown numbers.
- Block text messages SMS.
- Set a blacklist numbers.

Available in the Play Store : 


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